New Years Resolutions 2022
Before I begin, I wanted to thank you all for your patience about my issues regarding my blog posts. If you didn’t see my Instagram stories, my computer was not cooperating and would not allow me to download any of the videos I had filmed throughout the holiday season. I was intending to take a 2-week break, however with all my technical difficulties, it ended up being much longer than anticipated. I am still planning to publish these videos and posts throughout January, but they will be later than planned. Thank you for understanding.
2022 is now upon us all. Typically in January, each and every person sits down and reflects on the past year. They evaluate where they feel they’ve been successful, and set goals for themselves for the following year. By mid-January, everyone is working hard, striving to be their best self and achieve their goals, but by mid-year, most have dropped their resolutions. For 2022, I am planning for very simple and attainable goals that I hope I will be able to achieve year-round. In today’s post, I am going to share with you my 2022 resolutions both in Breeches and in Sweats.
First, I wanted to set a goal for each horse. As it is my last junior year, I am setting ambitious goals for both boys:
Lux: my plan with Lux is to continue in the 3’3” hunters and equitation. Luckily, Lux is already qualified for Junior Hunter Finals, so my main focus is qualifying for the equitation medals. I haven’t completely finalized my plans with my trainer regarding finals this coming year, so I am just planning to qualify for as much as I can. Like every other equestrian, I want to be successful at finals this year. However, success to me doesn’t always mean ribbons, it means being proud of my round and my horse. To achieve these goals, our hacks will be key. No stirrup work, counter-cantering, transitions, etc. will be incorporated into each of my hacks. I want to be prepared to do anything in the show ring.
JT: my plan with JT is to have no plan (ha!). My hope has always been to do the 3’3” junior hunters on my not-so-baby baby. However, this all depends on what JT is thinking. If he is ready to do the 3’3”s, great! If not, I always have my ammy years. This year is going to be all about making JT as happy and educated as possible.
Next up, Breeches and Sweats:
After a break of almost a month off of posting, I am itching to get back. My frustration with my computer definitely derailed me, however, I am looking forward to writing my posts. My current goals/plan for Breeches and Sweats includes: Posting 2-3 times per month (hopefully videos included), coming out with more merch, interviewing more riders/equestrians for In the Ring, and continuing to create an environment every equestrian can relate to. I am about to sit down and plan out all my posts for the next couple of months, so if you have any topics you’d like to see covered, please be sure to DM me @lequestrian or @breechesandsweats on Instagram.
I also plan to utilize Instagram more to show my life in and out of the saddle more candidly.
Now, on to school:
My school goals have always been the same: work hard, keep my grades up and learn as much as I can this year. My classes are pretty interesting, so I am looking forward to getting back to classes. Because I took a class over the summer, I am able to add an elective this upcoming semester. Though it’s not necessarily a part of my school, my internship with Hingham Youth Hockey is like having another class to attend to. My goal with this is to continue to build our social media platforms and create new ways to increase the HYH audience and connect the community.
Finally, everyday life:
As most of you know by now, I strive to live a very balanced lifestyle. Between eating in moderation (example: still eating pasta, but adding things that are really healthy, like veggies or protein, with it), working out, and getting good sleep, my body feels better than it has ever felt. I strive to continue these habits throughout 2022, but also allowing my body to rest when it needs to.
Another big goal of mine is to continue to read. I do not want to set a book goal, because that isn’t fun. If you couldn’t tell yet, I absolutely adore reading. Not only does it pull you away from your screen, but you have the ability to improve your vocabulary and knowledge. I love the fact that you get to dive into a whole new world and envision something unique and different. This year, I plan to incorporate some book posts and videos to be able to share my love for books with everyone!
Lastly, I want to utilize and take on any opportunities that come my way. Some days, I find myself endlessly procrastinating by staring at a screen. Honestly, it doesn’t benefit anyone, especially myself. So, I want to get outside more, learn more, and experience the world in every way possible. 2022 will be the year of excitement, opportunities, and fun.
And VIOLA! My 2022 goals/resolutions. I am so excited to get to work to improve my lifestyle, Breeches and Sweats, and riding. I am even more excited to share my journey with everyone.